Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Donetsk Region


Miroshnichenko str. 81

+38 095 6828987

Щурово, база отдыха "Дубок" Недорогой отдых в сосновом лесу на реке Северский Донец

Курсы НБУ

Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)
Sightseeing Area

Regional Landscape Park "Kleban-Bull"

Natural-protected park facilities have a unique landscape and interesting geological history.

Of particular interest are geological natural monuments of national importance such as:

Kleban-Bykskoe nudity, an area of ??60 hectares - exits to the surface sediments of the Lower Permian.

On the surface, faults are clearly visible coal deposits are of special interest to science. As a result of strong tectonic processes is deposited particles uraukarii mixed with sandstone. At the same time the rocks formed a step-mountain structure with a clear bias. This is an extremely rare phenomenon that never before in the Donetsk region has not recorded


kravets balka




Druzhkovsky petrified trees, 1 ha. Located on the outskirts of Alekseev-Druzhkovka in Kondratovskogo village council. Value are the exits to the surface of fragments of fossilized trees (Araucaria), whose age is 250-300 million years.


Beam Kravetskayahas an area of ??15 hectares - is skalovidnye Araukaritovoy Formation outcrop of the Carboniferous period, which clearly can be traced to the surface.

No less interesting are the remaining parts of the regional landscape park "Kleban-Bull».



Druzhkovsky petrified trees,1 ha. Located on the outskirts of Alekseev-Druzhkovka in Kondratovskogo village council. Value are the exits to the surface of fragments of fossilized trees (Araucaria), whose age is 250-300 million years.




Reservoir water surface area of ??650 ha is used for fish farming. Due to the natural spawning reservoir is of great importance as a place of restoration of native fish fauna, which are freshwater species of fish: pike, roach, dace, chub, perched, crucian carp, rudd, perch, catfish, tench, bream, etc.

The pond in the prescribed manner permitted amateur fishing, which increases the importance of recreation facility for the population.

As a result of environmental activities in the park significantly increased the number of animals such as:
• muskrat - in 2000 were single individuals, and in 2010 the population consists of 200-250 individuals.
• Otter - Red Book species, recorded two specimens.
• Badger - more than 10 individuals.
• started to breed wild goose, mute swan, and there was a colony of white herons.

markedly increased population of game animals such as deer, wild boar, hare, fox, pheasant, partridge, etc.
The park is home to unique species of reptiles: yellow-bellied snake, viper Steppe gray and black checkerboard snake, legless lizards, etc.

park's flora is represented by 600 species of plants, of which 36 are in the Red Book of Ukraine, and 7 - in the European Red List.
The park is considered about 140 species of birds, 100 of which nest in the park.